Ready Steady Readers
A reading challenge to introduce children under five to books and help families enjoy reading together.
Children collect a gold star in their Ready Steady Readers booklet every time they visit the library. When they have six stars, they receive a special certificate. They can complete the challenge as many times as they like. Pick up your booklet from any library.
Story and Rhyme sessions
Fun, free drop-in sessions for under-fives, sharing stories and rhymes at libraries across Leeds. These relaxed and friendly sessions help children develop early speech and language skills and a love of books and reading.
Find your nearest Story and Rhyme session on our Events page.
Mini playboxes
Colourful mini playboxes packed with fun activities are available in children’s library areas for under-fives and their families to enjoy for free at some of our libraries.
Each box has six drawers full of open-ended play activities. Scan the QR codes for ideas to recreate at home. The activities are designed to help with speech and language development and numeracy skills.
Watch a video about the Mini Playboxes to find out more.
Every child in England and Wales is entitled to a free Bookstart pack before they are 12 months old. This free pack includes books and reading tips for every baby born in England and Wales. If you haven’t received your Bookstart Baby pack when registering the birth of your baby contact bookstart@leeds.gov.uk
Find out more on the BookTrust website.
Story Bus
The Leeds Libraries Story Buses are packed with board books, picture books and toys for under fives. Our friendly Story Bus team deliver quality Story & Rhyme sessions all over Leeds, which support speech and language development.
To find out more, please email leeds.story.bus@leeds.gov.uk
Join us at a community stop on our colourful Story Buses, Sam and Nelly. Hop aboard for a Story & Rhyme session, share stories, play and borrow books.
Find our community stop locations and time information on Google Maps.
Details of our Story & Rhyme sessions on the Story Buses can be found here. as part of our city-wide programme.